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My Youtube channel.

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1My Youtube channel. Empty My Youtube channel. Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:31 am



I have recently started a youtube channel dedicated to lets Plays and random minecraft vids. I also have a capture card for future videos such as Cod4 Road to commander or something similar. I use sony vegas to render and edit, fraps to record Minecraft and use audacity to do commentaries on my Microsoft LX-3000 Mic. I upload HD and try my best for overall quality to be good, as I would only upload styles of videos I would watch myself made by other Youtube Commentators. if you could take a moment of your time to check out your channel and give me some tips or criticise what i've done so i can improve my channel, that would be great. Drop a like and comment and consider subscriber, as it increases my chance of becoming more known in the gaming community.

About myself: If you are still reading I would like to tell you a bit about myself. I am 13 years old and live in the UK. My dad started me off on video games when I was only 4 years old on the PS1. My favourite games were Spyro, Crash Bandicoot and Scooby-doo. I still hook up my PS1 now and play some of these games. later I upgraded to the PS2 and started becoming interested into VFX. I done some VFX work at 9 years old and brought this through to edit videos on Runescape. I later quit runescape and bought an Xbox 360 to play online with my friends. I enjoyed games such as COD and GTA. Just cause 2 was also on my favourite list. I decided to put my knowledge of gaming, edititng and my personality which some people like altogether to make my youtube channel: DefyingZombies.

Please take the time to check it out at:


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